Frequently Asked Questions
Where is our office located?
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9am – 4pm
Closed on Holidays.
Visit our Contact page for our full contact info!
Or call us at 502-509-5731
How Much Is The Application Fee?
Once you have found your home, a $35 non-refundable fee is required on each household.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky has recently developed a new Rental Application Policy allowing One Rental Application Fee per Adult Applicant.
Believe it or not, the application fee is not just a “random” fee as you might think. Your application fee helps with the administrative costs of processing your application, costs of credit reports, and more. It is very hard to work for free, and we trust you will agree with this. It costs money to process applications.
We strive to keep our costs as low as possible. Many other companies charge much more, sometimes twice as much as Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky. We do NOT want a bunch of applications.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky strives to qualify every application submitted.
If no homes are available for you and your household now, you can still submit an application NOW to get “pre-approved.”
Once approved, you will be first in line on the next available home that fits your guidelines.
(Many homes never make it to the website due to this procedure)
When you are “pre-approved” and you find another home BEFORE a Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky Home becomes available, your application fee will be refunded. We want you to always consider Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky for your next home.
Get Your Rental Application Right Here, Right NOW!
1.) Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky Online Rental Application is Ready For You Now!
Simply Select Your Rental Application Below.
Pay Pal makes it simple and easy to pay your household application fee now
Upon processing your payment, you will get BOTH Your Online Application allowing you to fill-in-the-blanks or you can download your rental application and drop it by our office.
Select Your Application
Individual Application $35.00
Co-Signer Application $35.00
2.) Get Your Application by Stopping by our office during business hours,
3.) After hours you may pick one up with list of available homes located in the brochure holder on our office front door.
How Much Is The Security Deposit?
Single Family Homes: determined by the following formula — — Security Deposit is equivalent to one month’s rent PLUS $100.00.– For example, a home with $799 Rent will have deposit of $899.
Apartments have varying Security Deposit requirements.Refer to the information on the apartment listing
FREE RENT Program!
Here is the summary.
Most of the time in Renting a Home, You hear about the ugly stuff that occurs if you fail to do this or that.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky is proud of our ALL STAR Program for responsible folks like YOU!
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky‘s All Star Program Allows YOU to earn a Bonus REWARD for being responsible!
You can Earn Discounted and FREE RENT by avoiding late charges & violations.
YOU WIN with Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky‘s All Star Plan!
12 months = 10% Discount on Your 13th Month!
24 Months = 25% Discount on Your 25th Month!
36 Months = 100% Discount on Your 37th Month!
Be sure to ask about Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky‘s FREE RENT Program!
Providing there is not an approved application pending, You may put a deposit to hold on a home when you submit your application.
You must submit a dollar amount equivalent to the Security Deposit or more for your “Deposit To Hold.”
This is a very powerful and strong benefit for you.
Your Deposit to Hold shows you are dead serious about renting this home and you are not going to the shopping mall in search of dozens of homes. Once approved, your Deposit to Hold money will be used for funds needed to complete the rental agreement process.
When You put a “Deposit To Hold” on a selected home, this home will be immediately removed from the list of available homes, thus putting you in the driver’s seat.
Once approved, you will have 24hrs to coordinate an appointment with our office to produce all of the monies needed and complete your new resident paperwork package. This does NOT mean you have to ‘move in’ within 24 hrs. This simply means you start paying rent. You may still move in on your schedule. This is very helpful for folks who are moving to Louisville, KY from another town.
Should You Decide Not to Rent AFTER YOU ARE APPROVED, YOU will forfeit the DEPOSIT TO HOLD money. Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Kywill have to begin the entire process to advertise and market this home for rent again.
If you are not approved, your DEPOSIT to Hold money will be returned to you within 30 days to the address you entered on your form. If you wish to get your funds immediately, there will be an $85 charge deducted from your funds for processing your application along with starting the marketing and advertising process again
What Does It Take To Qualify?
We are happy and pleased you are considering a Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky Home. We are very proud of our homes and believe you will be too. Our requirement standards for qualifying to rent a home are simple and fair.
They Are:
- – Your gross monthly income must at least 3 times the monthly rent.
- – A favorable credit history.
- – Be employed or furnish acceptable proof of required income.
- – Good references from landlords along with being clean & responsible.
- – Occupant limits of 2 persons per room.
Bad Credit will NOT Prevent You from Qualifying!
Compensating factors to qualify can be:
- – Additional Deposit
- – Pre-Paid Rent
- – Rent To Own or Rent with Option To Buy
- – Co-Signer
for the purpose of helping applicants qualify who do not meet the initial qualifying standards.
We look forward to working with you. Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky is committed to provide equal professional service without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin of any prospective client or customer.
If you have questions, call502-509-5731
How to See A Home
You Can See a Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky Home ANYTIME YOU Choose!
Here’s How:
1.) Visit Our Office
2.) SIGN Out a KEY!
That’s It, take your time, check out your potential future home, and with confidence, you can return the key, fill out an application and capture the home you want.
Question: When Can I See the Home?
Answer: Anytime You Want!
Question: How Can I See It?
Answer: This EASY to SEE a Home Program has been designed for YOU! Have You ever checked out other homes and houses for rent while a leasing agent or landlord is standing there or following you thru the home. Isn’t this just absolutely nerve wracking on your part?
You’re trying to evaluate this house because it will become YOUR HOME! Don’t you want to take your time, walk thru the house, think about placing your furniture, rooms for your family members, laundry, yard size, neighborhood and whatever else is a concern for YOU.
You should be concerned about making the right decision for this house to become your home. Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky wants you to make the right decision.
Here’s the Real Story
How Your BIG Benefit Was Created
How To Make an Appointment to see a home before submitting your application
Have you ever gone to see a home and found a landlord standing there watching you? Following you room to room, trying to listen to your comments, and “eyeing you up” evaluating you as a possible tenant? Isn’t it horrible? Makes you feel like you have to walk thru the house quick and get out of there, doesn’t it?
Even worse, have you ever been told “meet me there at 5 pm” only to find out you and 3 other folks who want the same house are there at 5 pm also? Ugly, now you really have to go fast to beat out the others and you really might not like the house but simply got caught up in the excitement to BEAT the other folks.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky has a special program JUST FOR YOU!
Because you’ve been there and done that,
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky “Key Sign Out” Program has benefits JUST FOR YOU!
- – Allows YOU to take Your time
- – Check out your future home at your leisure
- – Imagine where you’ll put your furniture, sofa, kitchen table & chairs,
- – Check out the yard, the neighborhood.
- – This might be YOUR HOME.
- – We want YOU to make the right decision.
- – It’s not much fun feeling pressure with somebody breathing down your back or following you around room to room asking if you like it, being put “under the gun” to make a fast and quick decision.
If You want these Benefits and more for You to check out your Home, Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky has 1 Simple Easy Step for You, …. simply sign out a key!
Now You got it straight from the Horse’s mouth to have a better understanding of this true benefit for you.
Give Us A Call Now
We’ll Have your key ready for you to sign out.
Call 502-509-5731
How Long Does It Take to Process My Application?
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky strives to process your application in 2 hours! (during business hours)
On rare occasions it may take up to one day. For example, if you submit your rental application at 3:30 pm on a Friday afternoon, please understand your application will not be processed until Monday morning.
more information about processing applications:
HOMES labeled as “READY NOW”
– take priority over “expected available” soon.
– We try to complete your application within 2 hours on business days.
– Sometimes processing takes longer due to items beyond our control.
– Such things as verifying your rental history sometimes requires written or faxed requests and former Landlords do not always make You their top priority; however, we are successful at processing your application within 24 hrs in most cases.
IMPORTANT: Once approved, You have 24 hrs to properly complete your rental agreement or Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky may move to the next application for this property. We apologize for this 24 hour rule; but, this prevents more problems than it causes.
For example, imagine you want the home on 123 Main Street and you learned an approved applicant is in front of you. You know they have 24 hours from the time they are approved before they disqualify their own application for not showing up, and now you can rent the home you wanted.
How long would you want to wait?
Each day delayed is also another day of lost rent. Although this policy seems strict, it really does prevent problems instead of causing problems.
HOMES “EXPECTED SOON” “Upcoming” “Coming Soon”
– these applications are processed in a timely manner, usually within 3 days.
– Sometimes processing takes longer due to items beyond our control.
– Such things as verifying your rental history sometimes requires written or faxed requests and former Landlords do not always make You their top priority; however, we are successful at processing your application within 3 business days in most cases.
What about pets and animals?
Animals May Be Allowed!

Safe and legal animals that do not damage or reduce value of property may be allowed with an animal deposit.
- Each Animal MUST submit an application with a photo.
- Each Animal MUST weigh less than 30 pounds.
- Each Animal MUST NOT be on the Insurance Companies list of dangerous animals.
Insurance Companies are taking very aggressive action because of these concerns involving dangerous animal. Many insurance companies are canceling policies WITHOUT NOTICE upon discovery of certain animals.
Our animal policy is subject to change without notice as a result of changes from our insurance carriers.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky values animals and pets.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky values animals, pets, people and property!
What does Approved App Pending mean?
A Home is labeled “approved application pending”.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky will label a home “approved application pending” upon completing the application process of a qualified applicant for this home.
This status does not state the home is rented, it simply means a qualified application has been received and they have not completed their rental agreement to begin renting the home.
Occasionally a person submits applications for homes all over Louisville at the same time (not all Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky Homes) and unfortunately sometimes they do not answer the phone or return messages. Although we can not explain their actions, we will not remove a property from our available homes list until the home is actually rented.
How long can Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky hold a home for a qualified applicant?
What about the people like yourself who want to rent this home — you are asking — how long is Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky going to allow an application to tie up this home?
THEREFORE, Once approved, an applicant has 24 hours to complete the rental agreement producing all funds needed.
Unfortunately, some folks promise the moon and never deliver. Their actions resulted in the creation of the 24 hour rule. Due to the actions of some, we were required to develop a policy that is fair to all applicants.
Now, imagine having your application “behind” these folks. You are hoping they fall apart so you can rent it.
How long would you want to wait? Hopefully, this will help you understand this policy.
If the Home you like is labeled “approved app pending”, PLEASE, fill out an application.
If the applicant ahead of you falls apart, the next application will be processed – make sure it is YOURs!
If your application is “behind” or a back-up to the approved app pending, and the status of the home changes to “rented,” you will be notified of this action and will be given the opportunity of returning your application fee or hold for another home.
If YOU WAIT to see what happens to this home, YOU might lose.
Somebody else can submit a back up application in front of you.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky wants to rent all homes quickly and we do.
What is Rent To Own and/or Rent with Option to Buy?
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky offers this program to help you become a homeowner. We are proud of our Rent To Own Program because it is unique compared to most Option plans offered by others in our business.
Here is a brief summary of Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky‘s Rent To Own Program.
Rent To Own is simple. Just like an Option to Buy
- – Similar to putting “Dibbs” On Your Home
- – LOCKS in your purchase price for 12 months!
- – monthly rent is discounted cheaper than regular rent
- – allows you opportunity to
obtain financing
exercise your Option
and purchase your Home
Most other programs charge an additional monthly fee for participation in an Option plan.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky actually discounts your monthly rent with your participation in our Rent To Own – Option to Buy Program.
If someone approaches Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky and wants to buy the house you are renting with an Option to Buy, — no deal — You have an exclusive Option to Buy on your home and nobody can buy it during your Option period.
Option Fees are determined by the Sale Price of the Home
What’s The Catch? ( the fine print and ugly part )
- Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky‘s Rent To Own – Rent with Option to Buy Program details:
- -You Are Purchasing An “Option To Buy” Your Home.
- This is NOT “down payment”… not yet, but it could be…
- It becomes part of your down payment when you “exercise” your Option.
- “Exercise” your Option simply means when you “buy your home.”
- Until you “Buy Your Home,” You have simply purchased an “Option.”
Your BENEFITS When You Purchase an OPTION TO BUY
Allows You to LOCK YOUR PURCHASE PRICE for the time period specified.
Gives You The Opportunity to Get Your Own Loan to buy your home.
Start building your excellent relationship with Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky helps you qualify for your home loan.
If you have “dings” on your credit report, Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky will help you enroll in our Free Credit Repair program to help you qualify for a great low rate fixed interest rate on your home loan as soon as possible, especially since rates are at an all time record historic low.
On this program you will see yourself feeling great about your home and you becoming a homeowner. There is a huge powerful feeling of being a “homeowner” vs. “just renting.”
Your Option Fee provides you the benefits listed above.
At the time you exercise your Option to Buy and actually purchase your home, your fee will be credited to the purchase price.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky‘s program has discounted monthly rent for customers who purchase an Option to Buy; therefore, no part of the monthly rent is credited toward the purchase price of the home.
What happens if I do NOT exercise my Option to Buy?
Sometimes this happens. You have several choices:
- You will NOT forfeit your entire Option Fee ( a portion equivalent to a security deposit is set aside for you )
- maintain excellent relationship with Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky helps you qualify for your home loan
- You may renew or purchase another Option
Grab Your Option Now!
Do you participate in HUD’s Section 8 Program?
The Section 8 program is a federal subsidized housing program. As we understand it, local agencies can be approved to administer this federally approved Section 8 program. There could be several agencies locally that participate in this program.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky participates with the Section 8 program on selected homes.
Only AFTER you have attended your briefing, received your white packet, you may begin your search for a home located in Louisville.
Homes located outside of Louisville may not be able to use this local agency.
Section 8 uses a “Voucher System” based on NUMBER OF BEDROOMS.
- – Your Voucher is based on bedrooms, NOT Dollar Amount.
- – The dollar amount on your voucher is for rent including ALL UTILITIES.
- – Single family homes for rent do NOT include utilities with the rent.
When You Contact Our Office YOU will be asked the following about Your Section 8:
- Are You on the Section 8 program?
- Have you attended your briefing?
- Do you have your white packet?
- How Many Bedrooms On Your Voucher?
- Please Do NOT Shop by the Dollar Amount of Your Voucher.
- Please Use The Number Of Bedrooms.
Providing the local Section 8 office agrees to the rent amount, many homes are available on this Section 8 program. Unfortunately, there are many homes with rent exceeding the maximum rent allowed by the Section 8 program; therefore, preventing participating households from pursuing these homes.
Can you finance my home purchase?
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky can not finance your home purchase due to the Federal Law – The Dodd Frank Act. This new Federal Law makes it a federal crime for Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky to finance your home purchase.
Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky is in the business of keeping good customers for a long time and we are committed to helping you get qualified for your home loan to buy your home.
If you feel like you can not buy a home right now, Landmark Real Estate - We Buy Houses in Louisville Ky‘s Rent To Own – Rent with Option To Buy might be your answer. Call 502-509-5731 today.
Please keep in mind, federal and state laws are constantly changing regarding financing of real estate.
What should I consider before looking for a Home?
Even before you start looking for homes, find out what price home you can afford.
In general, you can afford rent up to no more than one third of your net monthly income.
More precisely, the price you can afford to pay for a home will depend on five factors:
- income
- cash available
- outstanding debts
- credit history
- current interest rates
These items listed here are consideration factors with renting a home.
The qualifying standards to rent are much easier than trying to qualify for a home loan to purchase.
The rule of thumb in renting a home is that the monthly rent should not be more than 30% of your net monthly income.
You can always pay rent in advance to avoid the income qualifier.
Co-Signers may be used to qualify for income.
Many folks purchase an Option to Buy to help qualify.
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Call me ASAP 502-509-5731